#FreePalestine 🇵🇸

Muhammed Mukhthar CM

Show Licenses in Flutter

Mar 27, 2021 1 min read

Every piece of software stands in the pillars of great open-source projects. So is Flutter. So at some point, we may like to show off that open-source love we have. Well, there is an easy way to show Licenses in Flutter.

In Flutter, there is a Widget called LicensePage. It shows a list of all the licenses of the things which are used in Our App. And there is a Function showLicensePage. This Function shows a LicensePage.

So to show a License Page in Flutter, all we wanna do is to call showLicensePage from anywhere in our App. But obviously, there are more ways to do it in Flutter.

If we put an AboutListTile in our drawer, clicking that will bring up an AboutDialog. And that AboutDialog contains a view Licenses Button. Clicking that will also bring up the LicensePage.

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